Google+ Events Coming Back, Photo Zoom, Hiding low-quality comments automatically

Google+ launches over 50 updates across Android, iOS and Web – Classic Google+ Turning Down

While Google+ is not as well seen as Facebook and Twitter has reached to some point, Google’s social platform is still going on with its own specialized features with a bunch new announcement Google has made today.

With over 50 updates, three were the most requested features as Google suggested in the announcement. One of those features include the old Google+ Events which were abandoned previously but now are coming back into the social platform. Two new features according to announcement are the “Photo Zoom” – the feature allows to focus the objects in the photos, and “Hiding low-quality comments” by default.

All those features will be rolling out in coming weeks starting January 24th, that will be the date the classic Google+ will be turning down and you will start experiencing the new Google+ with new features.

While the Events will also be available from January 24th with the option to create and join events on Google+ web (for now) like before, the feature is still under development and will be improved over time. G Suite will not have the feature at this time.

Considering the high-quality photos photographers usually post on their Google+ communities or pages, the new Zoom feature will allow the users to get closeup objects from within the large photos that will go in the stream while preserving the full shot for click events. Google has also improved the stream page to prevent white space on the screen.

In another update Google+ will now be automatically hiding those comments which have low-quality based on their own algorithm. That would probably be based on the +1’s a comment has got – higher rated comments will be visible while the others will be hidden by default. Users however can expand those by clicking “view more” comments link.

Google tries to appreciate its users by admitting that the Google+ platform has been improving upon their feedback. Luke Wroblewski, Product Director at Google, has also posted list of features and improvements Google+ will be bringing over the coming weeks.